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Heriberto Figueroa Michel

Heriberto Figueroa Michel


Tecnología / Internet

Colima, Colima


Sobre Heriberto Figueroa Michel:

I am a student at the University of Colima, in the sixth semester of the telematics faculty. I have experience using JavaScript, React.js, HTML, Sass, and the development of validation schemes with Formik and Yup.

My main objective at this time is to obtain new knowledge that allows me to improve in the world of programming, always seeking to get ahead with each new project. I like to interact with different communities of coders and to get better through feedback and teamwork.


My professional experience is based on the development of personal projects and a series of freelance projects, with which I was able to obtain the knowledge that I have up to now.


I am still pursuing my university career as a software engineer, at the University of Colima, I am a person who considers that knowledge comes from many environments not only from the university, for which I constantly take courses to develop my knowledge.

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