beBee background
Antonio León

Antonio León

Project Manager

Alta Dirección / Consultoría

Tulum, Tulum


Sobre Antonio León:

23 Years of experience in technology
development in different roles as developer
(PHP, ASP, .Net, java, SQL, PLSQL), analyst,
architect and Program / Project Manager.
16 years of experience as Program-Project
Manager with experience in industries such
as telecommunications, banking,
government, national security, social
security, automotive, logistics, health,
manufacturing (air breathers, contact
lenses), Radio stations, production lines,
food and beverages.
My professional driver it's to apply my
knowledge and experience to help
organizations to transform and follow their
process to achieve their goals and
objectives in projects and areas, in
management and development.


16 years of experience as Program-Project
Manager with experience in industries such
as telecommunications, banking,
government, national security, social
security, automotive, logistics, health,
manufacturing (air breathers, contact
lenses), Radio stations, production lines,
food and beverages.
My professional driver it's to apply my
knowledge and experience to help
organizations to transform and follow their
process to achieve their goals and
objectives in projects and areas, in
management and development.


Carrera de ingenieria en sistemas trunca

Profesionales del mismo sector Alta Dirección / Consultoría que Antonio León

Profesionales de diferentes sectores cerca de Tulum, Tulum

Otros usuarios que se llaman Antonio
